Sunday, December 30, 2007

another bad kitty video

I just saw this video and I couldn't resist. Anyone who has ever had a kitten knows exactly what this guy is talking about:)

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve I will spend the day working, then I will head over to Sarasota to ring in the new year by partying downtown and watching some balls drop.

I hope everyone has a nice and New Year's Eve!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tag, I'm it!

I got my first jury duty notice in the mail yesterday. I just laughed. I actually think it's pretty funny. I hear there usually a bunch of sitting around in a room and waiting. That doesn't really bother me that much. As long as there is coffee and I can bring a book and knitting, it actually sounds like a good day! And I'll still get paid. Just as long as I don't selected for an actual trial :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Break out your dictionary!

I have a novel idea! If you are going to write graffiti on a wall for everyone to see, make sure you know how to spell! Especially if what you are going to write is a a cute little saying.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Boo! Hiss!

Yesterday I got a cell phone text message spam, trying to sell me stocks or something. This morning I had another waiting for me when I woke up.

Not ok. Not when I have a limited number of text messages that I pay for. Can people find any more ways to be obnoxious? What little bit of privacy can they take away from us next?

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Fruity Goodness

When I moved into my apartment about a year and a half ago, my neighbor started planting a bunch of little papaya trees. I've watched and waited patiently as they have grown big and produced an abundance of green fruit. For the past few months I've walked by these trees and wondered when the papayas would actually start to ripen.

Finally the other day my neighbor surprised me with two ripe papayas. He said that when they finally start to turn yellow, he'll pick them and let them ripen in his window sill. I finally tried one of them today, and they are delicious! It was the best papaya I have ever tasted and it came from my front yard. :)

Monday, December 03, 2007

ahh, the dreaded question

Every year it's the same thing.

Mom: What would you like for Christmas?

Me: Uhhhh... ?!?!??!?

Mom: I'd like to get all my shopping done.

Me: Uhhhh....

I really have no clue what to ask for. Why was it so easy when you were a kid? All you had to do is pick up the toys-r-us catalog and start reciting the pages.

Actually I do have an idea of something I want but a). I really think it is too expensive to ask for and b). I really couldn't see my mom going out and buying a Nintendo Wii.

Now challenge 2 is to figure out what to buy everyone else. The only person I have any idea for is Daniel, and I've got about 50 ideas for stuff he would like.