Sunday, February 04, 2007

You say it's already February?

Where the heck did January go? This year is flying by already. Things have been going well in the world of the knitting pirate librarian. I had a little bumpy start to the year, but I knew it wouldn't last.

Here's a quick summary of the highlights.

The knitting: Right now I'm in the process of knitting a baby blanket for my friend. She is due in April, so I think I should have plenty of time... I hope. I was attempting to do some lace work, but I think my choice of yarn for the project was not the greatest. I've abondoned it for the moment, but will pick it up again after the blanket is done... with different yarn of course.

The pirating (the social life): I've actually met a really nice guy a week ago today. I won't go into knitty-gritty details, except to say that things are going really well. It was such a surprise and so unexpected. We have a ton in common and we really enjoy spending time together. I'm sure I'll be blogging about him more about him later. I'll call him OG for now. That pretty much covers my social life. I pretty much just have just been hanging out with OG. Met quite a few nice people through him. Ika has been super busy with school and work, so haven't seen her. She's going to move back to Broward within the next few months, so I'm sure I'll be seeing more of her.

The librarian: Things are going really really well. I'm very happy that I have made the transfer :) I am so incredibly happy with my job at the moment, I can hardly describe it. I'm not going to say I don't have any stress or bad days, but I love my job, and I love what I do for a living.

Thats about it for now :)

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