Sunday, March 11, 2007

Happy Daylight Savings Time!

This time of year always amuses me. About two weeks prior to "springing ahead", the issue of Daylight Savings Time always starts making big news. And every year it never fails to show how many people get pissed off by having to turn their clocks ahead. Really, it's not that big of a deal. Is this actually the worst thing in your life right now? Or is it that you just don't like someone else telling you what you have to do? Why is it such a big deal? It's just an hour. It's not like we are forced to turn our clock 12 hours ahead. Plus, how often do we choose to screw up our internal clock when we voluntarily fly to different states our countries.

Personally, I like the extra hour of daytime. That's one more hour by the beach or another hour that I can be out enjoying the outdoors without worrying about the insecurity of darkness. People just need to start focusing on the positive aspects and learn to deal with a little bit of inconvenience. Or maybe they just need an excuse to bitch.


Roxane said...

or, their kids won't go to bed on time 'cause it's too light out : )

knitting pirate librarian said...

Just give her a little Nyqil, she'll be out in no time! ;)

QueSarah said...

I just like to!

skully said...

I LOVE it being light later-- now the dog park is open until 7:30 instead of 6! Chi Chi and Esme are big fans of DST!