Saturday, July 21, 2007

Must... read... on...

I've spent the entire day hanging out with Harry. I'm exhausted but I can't make myself stop reading. Not only am I totally absorbed into the story, but I'm so worried that someone will spoil something for me. Just like the jerk that published the book review in the New York Times, I'm afraid someone will go blabbing on TV or something.

I vowed I would not turn my TV on or listen to the radio until I've finished it. Earlier today I did need to take a break, so I took a risk and turned the TV on to the Food Network. I'm feeling pretty confident that Alton Brown or Paula Dean won't be leaking Harry Potter spoilers. But you never know.... back to reading I must go!


heyfatlulu said...

so, i've got to know...didja lick the book yet? ; )

knitting pirate librarian said...

Haven't licked the book yet. I'm saving that for when I'm finished... or would that be anti-climactic? Maybe I better lick now!

vagabond bettie said...

Get ready for tomorrow's AH. I got it all ready to go!