Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bad date book

Cheryl (tejedorita dulce) and I have long talked about writing a book about all of our bad or humorous dating experiences. I recently posted about the ex who emailed me, essentially telling me that he saw a huge disaster and thought of me. And then who could forget Cheryl's date asking her if she would shave his back? The funniest part being that they had just started dating and she didn't even know him that well. Really... when do you reach the back shaving stage of a relationship?

Anyway, that is just a taste of what we have to offer in our book. I think Cheryl and I should start thinking about titles. If anyone has suggestions, let us know!


Carol said...

I love this sort of thing!

Will You Take Me Home?

If I Take You Home, Will You Keep Me?

Seven Deadly Dating Sins

When Good Dates Turn Into Raisins

Date Me Now, Shave Me Later

Gentlemen Prefer Everything

Singley Ever After

Singled Out For Happiness

heyfatlulu said...

Ahhhh, fun with dating. My best friend and I were considering writing a book entitled "And I Never Saw Him Again"; we have a lot of dating stories that end with those words!

I like "Singly Ever After"!

knitting pirate librarian said...

OMG! I love it!

I've been laughing my booty off for about 10 minutes... "Date me now, shave me later."

Oh jeez! You crack me up :)

vagabond bettie said...

omg! crazy funny!!

How can I miss you if you won't go away?

nah, that would only be good for the ones that stick. Maybe a good title for a chapter.

the reverse of Date me now, shave me later....

Shave me now, date me later!