Monday, September 17, 2007

Oh my gosh, they did it again!

I'm sitting here knitting sipping on a left-over frozen margarita from Taco Fiesta. I have the TV on, but I'm not really paying attention to it, just kind of half listening. All of a sudden during a commercial break I hear a familiar tune. Well maybe the tune isn't so familiar to me, but the vocals an music are unmistakable. It's my friends The Icicles! They had another major corporation feature one of their songs for a commercial!

The first one was for the Motorola KRAZR, featuring "Sugar Sweet". The new commercial features "LaTiDa" for Target! I'm glad that their music is getting such great national recognition. They are fun little Indy rock band from Grand Rapids.

Here's their myspace page. Take a look and check out their music
The Icicles Myspace page


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