Sunday, October 21, 2007

fluffy bunneez

We've recently had some little fluffy bunnies move into our courtyard. They are not the little wild brown ones with the white tail, they are the colorful domestic kind. I contacted some rescue operations in the area and they don't seem to have the capacity to take them. I kept on getting referred to other agencies who kept referring me to other agencies. The last one helped me by telling me how I might catch them and keep them as pets. With 2 cats? No way. I'm afraid if I call the humane society to pick them up that they will just be put to sleep. So for now they are happily hopping around my yard. My neighbor feeds them all sorts of yummy food, so they are doing quite well. Here's a picture of the most brave one that will come up to take food from you.

This one is black with a little white dot on his nose. There's 3 others: a white one with gray ears, a full white one, and a really pretty brown calico with really big ears.

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