Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hey, I saw a train-wreck and I thought of you!

Last Tuesday while I was at my parent's house in Michigan, I got on their computer to see if I could print out my boarding pass. I decided to skim through my email to see if there was anything important going on. To my surprise there was a email from the estranged ex-boyfriend. The same boyfriend who after a 7 month relationship decided to cut things off by just dropping off the face of the earth. No explanation, no goodbye, no nothing.

So out of the blue he decides to honor me with an email. Here is what he had to say...

Hope your doing well. Sorry we ended so poorly. The bridge collapse made me think of you. Hope your family was safe.

"Hope your doing well." He hopes my what is doing well? English buddy, "your" would be referring to a possession of mine. "Sorry we ended so poorly." We? No buddy, it's all on you. I didn't do anything poorly. "The bridge collapse made me think of you." ?!?!?!?!?! What the?!?!?!?! Gee, I saw a huge disaster and I thought of you. Really, do men think before they speak/type? "Hope your family was safe." Ummmm... I guess that's a nice sentiment, but if he was referring to the aforementioned disaster, my family lives over 500 miles and 4 states away for Minneapolis.

Nice try buddy.


QueSarah said...

What a schmuck!!!

vagabond bettie said...

BECKY!! One for the book!

Like I always say "better 7 months than 7 years!"

"Hope your doing well."
ZOIKS! Some people don't even see the craziness in that!

vagabond bettie said...

I was just reading a letter that the big backed man sent me to proofread. Thank goodness he asked me. He has no idea that there is a past tense. At least he knows how to do the spell check.

skully said...

i hate that doofus!

heyfatlulu said...

Holy stooopid, Batman! This is the first I've ever heard of this guy and already I want to introduce him to Madame Tootsie (the very dangerous heel of my pointy boots)!
Sounds very much like a case of good riddance, Becky.