Thursday, September 06, 2007


I had the honor of attending the museum member's opening of the Quilts of Gee's Bend exhibit. It was truly a fascinating experience. I've never quilted myself, but I've been fascinated with the art for for a while now. I think that once you pick up one of the fiber arts, you learn a respect and appreciation for other forms.

This exhibit actually overwhelmed me with emotion. For anyone who may not be familiar with the Quilts of Gee's Bend, here's a little history for you. Quilts of Gee's Bend

These are not only beautiful pieces or art, there is so much more wrapped up in them. These women lived in a poor rural community that was pretty much isolated from the rest of society for years and years. The women who quilted used what ever fabrics they could get their hands on. Most of the fabrics were recycled clothing or whatever materials they could get their hands on.

I was actually moved to tears when I read the story behind one quilt in particular. A sign next to the quilt said that woman had originally helped her mother make the quilt following the passing of her father. She said that when her father died her mother took all of his old work clothes and started cutting them up. Her mother said that she wanted to make a quilt from his work clothes so that when she was lonely she could curl up under that quilt for some love. When you look at the quilt you can see the marks on the fabric from where cuffs used to be. You could see the old, deep set in stains. You knew this was a man who worked very hard for his family and you could see the love, care, and dedication put into making a lasting memory of him.

Anyone in the South Florida area must make a point of going to see this exhibit. If you are free this weekend try to go to some of the opening ceremonies. Eighteen of the quilters are here, and you don't want to miss getting to see them. And they sing the most amazing gospel music.


Meg said...

Wow! That sounds amazing. I didn't even know about the exhibit and I can't wait to see it!

Carol said...

Sure wish I could go!