Thursday, December 14, 2006

I think my mom is trying to kill me

Recently I decided that it would be a good idea to do a little working out. I even switched health care plans this coming year just so I could take advantage of the free membership to a gym that they are offering. Instead of waiting until January, I decided to get a head start by working out at home a little bit. To help motivate me, I asked for a bunch of workout paraphernalia for Christmas. My parents really got into the spirit of it all, and included one of those big exercise balls. It even came with a DVD to show you how to use it.

I almost died. Do you realize how dangerous those things are? No only did I almost roll off it about a million times, I almost broke my nose a few different ways. The first time I was laying on the ball and was supposed to walk forward with my hands until my shins were resting on the ball. The end result was supposed to be push-ups. They people make it look so easy. Do they understand that the rest of us have to deal with something called gravity? I darned near broke my nose when I went a little too fast... strait into my couch.

Then there was the other time when I was supposed to be flat on my back. I was supposed to pick up the ball with my ankles and and lift my legs up until I looked like an L. Then from there I was supposed to continue on and bring my ankles further back until I touched my toes to the floor behind my head. YEAH RIGHT! It wasn't going that well to begin with, but it went downhill when my legs gave out and I dropped the ball on my face.

Maybe I need to start with some more simple moves.

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