Sunday, March 09, 2008

Seriously... is it that difficult?

My jerk-wad neighbor apparently has a difficult time figuring out how to park a car. The other day he parked literally about 6 inches from my car. I had to climb in through the passenger door. One I did that I had to inch out carefully, almost taking out my rear view mirror. I was late to work due to the extra hassles I mentioned above, as well as the time it took me to write an angry letter to tape on his door.

I guess he must have gotten the message about not parking too close to other cars, because now he's double parked, taking up enough space for two cars.

And just think, this idiot is an airline pilot.


Meg said...

It makes some sense, though. He does his flying in huge, open spaces. The guys in the little carts are the ones who actually park the plane at the gate when he's done.

Still: jerk.

Chad said...

It wouldn't have been such a big deal if you allowed yourself more time to get to work. Or, if you hadn't bothered to write hate mail.

I'm sure he would be flawless w/a martini under his belt...
