Sunday, June 24, 2007


On May 23rd I got tagged with a meme by Skulls n bats. I'm just now getting to it. Typical Becky :)

The rules:

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I was born in South Bend, IN. Home of the Fighting Irish!

2. I rarely eat meals in my apartment. I mostly eat in restaurants. I also won't eat fast food, that stuff will kill you. Unless you count Pollo Tropical as fast food... I loves me some Tropi-chop!

3. I have a fear of germs, and it's getting worse by the day. I make a point of washing my hands at least once an hour while I'm at work, not including bathroom breaks and before eating anything. And I use hand sanitizer between washings. Public places are germy.

4. I only go to the movies about twice a year at the most. I haven't even seen Pirates of the Caribbean III yet.

5. I'm single. I wouldn't mind meeting that special someone, but being single doesn't particularly bother me that much either. I'm having fun, and I'm a pretty happy person as I am.

6. I have a great family. I'm not just saying it because they may be reading my blog either. I really do like my family. After working with the public for so many years, I've learned that not everyone can say that.

7. I can be a pretty big procrastinator. This is especially true when it concerns having to go to the post office. Bills are one thing, but presents and cards are a completely different story. Christmas cards... forget it.

I'm supposed to tag 7 people to blog this meme. I don't think I know 7 people who have blogs that haven't already been tagged with this. So if you read this and want to give up 7 random facts about yourself, leave me a comment with a link to your blog!

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