Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bye bye babies

The lady who originally owned the bunnies that live in my yard came and took the babies. She said that she's worried that my landlord will get mad at her because the bunnies will eat all their plants. Not true at all. James said that he was going to try and trap the babies and give them to someone who wanted them for pets because he didn't want to see them killed by a car or predator.

While the lady was over here she basically told Lynlee that the bunnies were her pets and they lived in her yard until we started feeding them. Then the bunnies came to our yard and they don't go to her yard as much any more. WTF? What sane person would try to keep bunnies loose in their yard. HELLO! They aren't even spayed and I would seriously doubt it if they've ever had shots. She's had over 2 years to take control of her "pets" and she's just let them run loose.

Now she's come and taken the babies, probably just because they are cute little babies. Mind you she still hasn't even attempted to take care of the adults. She just blames us for stealing her pets.

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