Monday, October 01, 2007

great book

I just finished one of the best books I've read in a long time. And it's a YA! That's a teen book for you non-librarian folk. If you like super-natural/vampire stories at all, check this book out.

Twilight - Stephenie Meyer

Rather than write a big long review, I'll leave it to you to pick up. Right now I'm going to get back to reading "New Moon", the second book in the Twilight saga!

And I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Stephenie Meyer will start writing for adults!


QueSarah said...

Oooh! I've been eyeing Eclipse everywhere and even picked up Twilight tonight at Borders :-) Glad to hear a good review from another vamp fan... just don't know how these other vamps will compare to Eric and Bill (or Bubba for that matter ;-))

N.O.N. Paradigm said...

Thanks Becky! I've got such a long "to read" list but I'm adding this one in.

vagabond bettie said...

btw, the comment from John is from Cheryl. I'm at his computer and didn't realize that i was signed on as him.

Betty said...

I loved all 3 in the series. Stephanie is currently working on an adult novel.
